We all need a little fluff in our lives

Well if you were dreaming of a white Christmas (as Bing Crosby was in 1942) then you almost got your wish. If you were here in Nottingham, then it was only out by a day (we got a white boxing day instead). And you can't make it through a snowy winter without a little fluff, which I added to this outfit with my new furry clutch from new look that I got for Christmas. It's a fold-over style too so you don't have to worry about any of your stuff falling out (very handy for a clumsy person like me). I kept with the pink theme by wearing my pink jumper dress that I got from primark, layered over a white shirt with the collar showing (mines from river island but you can get them anywhere). I added black tights and my trusty black chunky heels (new look £24.99) and then finished with my dog tooth coat which I am still so in love with. It was from missguided for £49.99 and the long length makes it perfect for wearing with skirts, shorts or dresses. It's a good job my jumper dress is a loose style too because I've eaten ridiculous amounts over the last couple of days. It was a pleasant surprise when my work uniform still fit me this morning because I'm pretty sure I've piled on about 5 stone. Also, I don't know if my mum thought we were feeding the entire street or maybe even the entire Chinese population of Beeston (a reference you won't understand unless you're a local sorry) but we have loads of leftover gammon, more than half a leftover turkey and an entire left over roast pork joint, as well as leftover stuffing, pigs in blankets and sausage rolls (she even cooked extra food for our boxing day buffet) and countless leftover puddings, cakes, biscuits and chocolates. So in case you hadn't realised, we have enough leftovers to feed a small village. So if anyone's hungry you know where to come...
