Thursday is the new friday


As I've probably said before, Thursday nights are my favourite - this one was especially good since it was the last Thursday night before Christmas (next Thursday night will be Christmas day omg I'm so excited). I went for a bit of festive sparkle with these gorgeous embellished shorts which were only £29.99 from new look which I thought was really good because normally anything beaded or sequinned is a lot more expensive. Because I went with statement shorts, I kept the rest simple with black racer style top and black wear-with-everything boots that get covered in drink on a regular basis and probably need replacing. I went with purple hued eyeshadow to match the purple beads along the hemline, although I forgot to take a makeup photo sorry! Maybe if you zoom in really close... on second thoughts don't do that. Lauren (my bestie who's been featured many times before) went with classic monochrome in a white faux leather skirt (river island £25) and then black high neck top and black cleated sole mules (primark) and finished the look with my favourite necklace from accessorize (yes she borrows my stuff all the time). It was a really good night too because everyone was back from uni so I got to see everyone again including my blogger friend Harley! We also had a really funny night because it included meeting someone's doppelganger (it was uncanny, even the guy thought so when we showed him who he looked like) and falling over in a really embarrassing way together in rock city, which as anyone who's been will know has the most disgusting floor ever so we both got covered in drink. It was a really nice festive night too because they played loads of Christmas songs and then ended the night with 'let it go' which has now been in my head for about 3 weeks.
