Why I love being a woman

I'm a feminist. I always have been. Not in the men-hating way that some people wrongly associate with the word, but in the way that right from being a little girl, I've known that I could do anything I put my mind to. And god help anyone that assumed or told me otherwise! So every year, I like to write a little International Women's Day blog post (okay I'm a day late this year, I was hungover yesterday). I've covered women who inspire me and what feminism means to me, so this year it's time to talk about all the reasons why I'm not a men-hating feminist. Because there's so much to LOVE about being a woman that I'd never want to be anything else.

1. We get all the best clothes

I didn't particularly notice until I was online shopping for my boyfriend but men's clothes are all so the same. Pretty much all muted colours, basic cuts and when it comes to dressing fancy, a suit and tie is basically what's on offer. And yet us women get embellished dresses, wide leg culottes, short leather skirts, ripped jeans, off-the-shoulder tops and beautiful fabrics like satin, lace, silk and tulle. There's basically no limit to the fun you can have!

2. Our friendships are generally closer

The hormone responsible for intimacy and bonding is called oxytocin and you release this during hugging, childbirth and sex. Men do produce it, but women produce a hell of a lot more, which probably explains why we're normally much more tactile and have higher emotional intelligence than men. And while men enjoy the perks of that trait (less overthinking, less drama caused by emotions etc), I'll take the closely bonded friendships over that any day.

3. We can be strong and delicate

I know that feminism supposedly works towards making men and women equal but I personally see feminism as a movement to bring women up to the same rights and privileges that men have. I think that breaking down toxic masculine views should be a movement of its own; men can cry, men can struggle, men can talk about their feelings. And while it's my wish that men's issues get fought for just as hard as women's, I do like that we're already there in that aspect. Women can be strong and determined and driven but we can also be delicate and nurturing and loving. For me, being a woman means having yin and yang.

4. We're more sexual

I don't mean that we want sex more (in fact, statistics actually show the opposite?). I mean that we're more sexual beings and I like the power that sexuality brings us (think Margot Robbie in that scene in Wolf of Wall Street). "Everything in life is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power". And if we're the more sexual beings then I'll leave it to you to work out where I think that power lies.

5. We can have loads of fun with makeup

Makeup may have originally been designed to be worn by rich men but it's safe to say us girls have taken the reins on this one now. I can't speak for everyone but I don't wear makeup because I "have" to or don't like not wearing it; I wear it because it's fun. All my friends know my love of experimenting with a bright eyeshadow look!

6. We have the freedom to choose

Gone are the days where women were expected to stay at home and get dinner on the table at 6pm and push out rugrat after rugrat (well, mostly gone). Now, we have the whole world at our feet. We can travel. Become a journalist. Learn to speak another language. Join a quiz team. Whatever it is, you name it and we can do it. And if your first choice is still to cook at home and look after your children? That's the beauty of freedom.

7. We have less illness

All women at one time or another have flippantly said they'd rather be a man during some really bad period pains. But despite the fact that our reproductive abilities can cause mayhem once a month, it's actually men who are more prone to infectious diseases. No one actually knows why but all I can say is, look after yourselves out there men - there's a coronavirus going around!

8. We can surprise people

Pretty much any hobby or job that's not seen as 'feminine' has the ability to shock people when it comes from a woman. Women who work in sports, construction, engineering, computing; the list goes on. But instead of seeing that as a bad thing for people underestimating us, I choose to see it as a great thing for our ability to surprise people.

9. Our girl power

Hell may hath no fury like a woman scorned, but earth knows no power like women when they stick together. There really is something to be said for our ability to understand each other, to bond even despite our differences and to stick together. When we do female empowerment properly, we're a force to be reckoned with.

10. We can have multiple orgasms

Need I say more?
